Friday, July 31, 2009

Naturally Wrong

"Then the idiot who praises with enthusiastic tone, all centuries but this and every country but his own." The Mikado.

Although possibly a function of malignant egalitarianism, the penchant for the left for firing off snarky remarks aimed at our country bears comment.

I have heard recently in various social circumstances a remark that Mexican children are more sweet and respectful than American children. This gem came from the a public school teacher and mother of American children.

This woman was perfectly comfortable slandering her own children along with her students just to satisfy her snarky self indulgent desire to appear more "enlightened." The comical element of this is that the Mexican children in question were so impoverished that they needed a well off American to come and teach them.

I have also heard in a social gathering about how American's have "a lot to learn about our medical care system from Canada." This idiot was funny in that there was no evidence provided nor was any needed. It was merely accepted as a fact that we Americans would of course be provincial and ill-informed.

When asked to explain, with some specific challenges both quickly retreated from their obviously foolish remarks. Usually something as simple as "Canada is kinda close, you might want to emigrate there instead of denigrating the system here." or "I am sorry you aren't satisfied with your own children's sweetness and courtesy."

These two examples have an unquestioned idea that the foreign is sophisticated and the domestic is somehow naturally inferior. Both Naturally wrong.

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