Friday, July 17, 2009

Lost Language

"Bill O'Reilly is lying when he says 'most Americans oppose Sotomayor'"

Assuming contrary to this opinion piece but in line with this one that the statement of opposition to Sotomayor is false.

That would still only be half of the equation, a lie is an untrue statement intentionally communicated. How would the speaker even know what O'Reilly meant by passing on debatable information.

My principle objection to this redefinition of language is the automatic assumption that political opponents are not merely wrong but are necessarily intentionally wrong.

The "Bush lied, people died" remark is particularly odious, no advocate of this moronic little rhyme ever explained how an understandable misstatement of fact made by the President, all of his advisors, Congress, and many intelligence officers around the world was somehow an intentional misrepresentation when it was originally uttered.

Other than being arguably wrong how do they even know what his intent was.

Once again I go back to the observation I make over and over. Republicans and conservatives believe that rank and file democrats are wrong, misinformed or uninformed, Democrats and liberals believe that rank and file republicans are evil and selfish.

With this toxic atmosphere on the left we will not get a reasoned debate. I don't chant along with calls for unity, I like there to be a debate. But this has become toxic in the extreme.

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